السبت، 31 ديسمبر 2016

The violations that are committed by Saudi-led Coalition against civilians in Yemen30-12- 2016

The daily report of  Saudi-led Coalition violations against civilians in Yemen http://lcrdye.org/lcrd/Eng/PageDetails?id=585

The violations that are committed by Saudi-led Coalition against civilians in Yemen 29-12- 2016

The daily report of  Saudi-led Coalition violations against civilians in Yemen http://lcrdye.org/lcrd/Eng/PageDetails?id=584

The violations that are committed by Saudi-led Coalition against civilians in Yemen 28-12- 2016

The daily report of  Saudi-led Coalition violations against civilians in Yemen http://lcrdye.org/lcrd/Eng/PageDetails?id=583

الثلاثاء، 27 ديسمبر 2016

انفوجرافيك | الوضع الانساني في اليمن جراء عدوان التحالف السعودي وفرض الحصار لـ20 شهر -

المركز القانوني للحقوق والتنمية يطلق إحصائية عن الوضع الانساني المتردي في اليمن جراء عدوان التحالف السعودي وفرض الحصار لـ20 شهر
حيث بينت الإحصائية أن عدد ضحايا القصف من المدنيين بلغ 30867 مدنياً بينهم 11459 قتيل و19408 جريح وأنه يوجد 1.8 مليون طفل خارج مدارسهم بسبب القصف و3 مليون طفل وامرأة حامل بحاجة إلى رعاية إنسانية وطبية و2.2 مليون طفل يعانون من سوء التغذية و19 مليون بحاجة إلى مساعدات إنسانية فورية و14.1 مليون مهددون بالجوع و9.6 مليون طفل بحاجة إلى رعاية إنسانية وصحية و400+ ألـــف منزل تدمر وتضرر و3 مليون نازح بحاجة لمساعدات إنسانية و6 أطفال يموتون كل ساعة بسبب الأمراض المختلفة في اليمن.
  • المركز القانوني للحقوق والتنمية
  • وكالات إنسانية
- See more at: http://lcrdye.org/lcrd/PageDetails?id=581#sthash.vdRGyZyA.dpuf

The violations that are committed by Saudi-led Coalition against civilians in Yemen 26-12- 2016

The daily report of  Saudi-led Coalition violations against civilians in Yemen http://lcrdye.org/lcrd/Eng/PageDetails?id=580

The violations that are committed by Saudi-led Coalition against civilians in Yemen 25-12- 2016

The daily report of  Saudi-led Coalition violati ons against civilians in Yemen http://lcrdye.org/lcrd/Eng/PageDetails?id=579

The violations that are committed by Saudi-led Coalition against civilians in Yemen 24-12- 2016

The daily report of  Saudi-led Coalition violations against civilians in Yemen http://lcrdye.org/lcrd/Eng/PageDetails?id=578

The violations that are committed by Saudi-led Coalition against civilians in Yemen 23-12- 2016

The daily report of  Saudi-led Coalition violations against civilians in Yemen http://lcrdye.org/lcrd/Eng/PageDetails?id=577

الجمعة، 25 مارس 2016

Infographic- Статистический год смерти и разрушения в Йемене

Infographic - La statistique des victimes et des dommages

Les résultats d'année de l'agression de l'Arabie saoudite contre le #Yémen, La statistique des victimes et des dommages

Infographic - Statistik während eines Jahres

Statistik des Todes und der Zerstörung  wegen der Razzien von der Saudi-Arabien und ihrer Allianz gegen den Jemen während eines Jahres

Infographic - one year Statistics of casualties and damages that caused by Saudi aggression in Yemen

The outcome of one year Statistics of casualties and damages that caused by Saudi aggression in Yemen

السبت، 19 مارس 2016

The violations that are committed by Saudi-led Coalition against civilians in Yemen 18-3-2016

Legal Center for Rights and Development

The violations that are committed by Saudi-led Coalition against civilians in Yemen 17-3-2016

Legal Center for Rights and Development

The violations that are committed by Saudi-led Coalition against civilians in Yemen 16-3-2016

Legal Center for Rights and Development


السبت، 12 مارس 2016

The violations that are committed by Saudi-led Coalition against civilians in Yemen 11-3-2016

Legal Center for Rights and Development


The violations that are committed by Saudi-led Coalition against civilians in Yemen 10-3-2016

Legal Center for Rights and Development

The violations that are committed by Saudi-led Coalition against civilians in Yemen 9-3-2016